Legal notices


Copyright 2024 by PICADO Musikverlag GmbH. All rights reserved. All texts, images, graphics, audio files, video files and animation files plus there arrangements are liable to the copyright und other laws to the protection of intellectual property. They may neither be copied for commercial purpose nor be circulated, changed or used on other web sites.

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PICADO Musikverlag GmbH aims to arrange the website in order to be reachable 24/7. However PICADO Musikverlag GmbH is not responsible for the reachability of the website, for whatever reason and whichever space of time. Particularly PICADO Musikverlag GmbH reserves its right to switching off the website for some time whithout announcing in case of breakdowns, maintenance work or repairs or reasons which are not in the area of influence of PICADO Musikverlag GmbH.

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German law applies to the usage of the website.
If you got any question to the above-named notices please send an e-mail to We would like to respond them.

State: October 2024